This has probably been asked before but I wanted to add another layer/an alternative.
So, I ask, where did your username/pseudonym/nickname originate from? What’s the meaning behind it?
Or alternatively, which is the most creative/interesting nickname origin you have come across?
Just needed a name and combined a word with an animal
A few years after high school I joined the stage crew for a musical theatre group some friends started. At a performance after party, I was looking after some of the younger cast who had a few too many: one of them decided I was like Bosley to their Charlie’s angels; the other felt I was looking after them in a fatherly way - so they combined it, and that became their nickname for me. Also, the nickname my siblings had given me, NoPatchGlandBoySleepyTheIronDeficientBrother was just too long.
Someone else took karl first and I want to know which one of you it was
It’s a reference to a Simpsons episode, where Bart writes “nobody likes a sunburn slapper” on the blackboard in the opening.
You really want to see this thing everybody talks about?
Found a Kraken in Ultima Online. Thought it was rad and didn’t know how to spell it as an 11 year old.
I believe it’s self explanatory.
Remember that mobile game that was popular a while ago, Neko Atsume? It’s that, but with Etna from Disgaea, because at the time I first made this username (years ago) Neko Atsume was taken and I was playing through Disgaea D2.
My display name is a short-version of my nickname which is a phonetic amalgamation of my first and last name.
As a bookish child, I made weekly trips to the library. To get to the kids section I had to pass the large print shelf, and there was one book that was always there: The Spitting Image. The gargoyle on the cover scared me! But when I finally looked him straight in the eye I found that he was trying to look furious, but came across as a little goofy. That’s the way I imagine myself, too.
My name is Helen. I hated that there were no good nicknames for it (ugh, Helly…) but I love my name. Mentioned this to a friend who was like “you could use other parts of the name for a nickname…” and suggested Lenny. As a woman on the internet, having a gender ambiguous username is very beneficial, so I adopted it, and I absolutely love it. I added extra ns because then it’d look like bad kerning Lemmy.
I love the phrase “your average Joe”, but it doesn’t translate very well, or I couldn’t think of a translation quickly enough (English isn’t my first language), so when I was talking with my friends one day, I translated it as “your average mortal”, and I liked it
Its a me, mario
My name’s Darren. Here I am in the 'net.
HUM - The Scientists
Keep this benzine ring around your finger, and think of me when everything you wanted starts to end
The song is one of my favorites. About a couple scientists, probably in a relationship, testing drugs
With HUM, you never can really tell what they are talking about but it’s always pretty poetry and awesome music. With a good imagination.