• Maggoty@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Wait… Are they admitting that they were just coasting before? Like, what the fuck guys? The GOP has been in full partisan war mode for 17 years. And you guys are just now realizing you need to get off your ass?

    Also, the call to get off your ass is because you think they’re going to reach out for votes on key bills? After all this you’re still on about bipartisanship?

    No. You let them fuck it up. You run ads about them fucking it up. You put their dysfunction on a fucking stage for the world to see. You do not rescue them. They would not rescue you. They have a trifecta. If they cannot pass anything with a trifecta that’s a good result for you. (For anyone worried about the filibuster, it doesn’t apply to budget bills, they don’t need Democrat votes to fund the government)

    Let them be hoisted by their own petard.