“…we reward good behavior, and it’s immediate. It doesn’t record any private information, it just detects that the vehicle is coming and measures its speed. So it’s a carrot instead of a stick.”

Via @grammargirl@zirk.us

  • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    A sneaky idea but I think it’s actually great for school zones during peak hours that kids are out and about. That way if there’s traffic people will scowl at the drivers who speed. Génial!

    It will only work in specific circumstances (1 lane each direction, no cross traffic). And I hope there are no bugs in detection making one stuck at the intersection.

    One foolproof way could be to default to flashing red (all way stop), then turn red if overspeed and green if underspeed. That way if there is no detection where there is a car or a bike, they can get through.