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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Democratic-> sovereign isn’t a backpedal; it’s describing two different things. You wouldn’t say that me describing some apples as green, and then saying there are 3 of them is somehow a reduction in the amount of green the apples are simple because I didn’t call them green again.

    Sovereign describes the authority to do things on a territory. Ukraine is sovereign; they aren’t a territory of Russia, Ukraine answers to Ukraine on its own political matters. That does nothing to describe or rule-out democracy.

    If I say “Ukraine is a democracy, who in 2019 held an election described as fair and free by international observers, in which the citizens elected a president of their own volition”, would you realize that me describing Ukraine as sovereign in no way, shape, or form, describes it’s elective process?

    Cause if I need to, I will.

  • So Putin, who is openly saying that the offensive isn’t going as planned, is OK sending tens of thousands of soldiers into the grinder agaisnt better equipment, just to go through surplus? He’s choosing to have thousands of Russians killed while sitting on equipment that could keep them safe?

    What a guy. Noble cause he’s after, de-nazi-fying a sovereign nation, while also getting his citizens massacred in tank columns and shoddy equipment while he keeps the good stuff at home.

    Unless that isn’t what he’s doing? But you did just say they were using old stuff on purpose. You wouldn’t be wrong, would you?

  • As previous student who was in school when cell phones blew up in usage, I wasn’t not preoccupied by my phone because I had to keep it hidden. I was preoccupied with keeping it hidden so I could keep using it. Texting with T9 without looking was a breeze. The only thing that slowed my usage was the fact I only had like 500 texts a month allotted to me.

    Making the kids hide it won’t make them less distracted. They just become distracted by hiding the phone. I feel like you’d almost have to just ban phones entirely, which today is pretty impractical.

  • I see enough and know a few relatively “rich” people that go against American capitalism. They’re obviously not Musk and Gates, but where they have no wants and would be able to weather most any hardship thrown their way, short of the catastrophic medical emergency (but again, that is only a function of American capitalism).

    It’s hard to point at a specific part of the American system and say “this is what is wrong”. I think a lot of millennials are coming to the conclusion that the system is broken and is absolutely stacked against them. Student loans, medical debt, the housing market, stagnating wages amongst record profits across the board, bailouts for banks, Wall St corruption, billionaires paying $50 in taxes, continued failed DoD audits and lost money. There is plenty of money in the system to be “given away” when the receiving party is a corporation or hedge fund or defense contractor or bank.

    It also doesn’t help that anyone not retiring in the next 20 years is paying into Social Security under the assumption that it’s lost money. The devil that is socialist programs is a hard sell when the population blaming you for the “collapse of American Capitalism” actively benefits from a program I’m paying into, but will likely never see benefit from. Universal Healthcare UBI, free school lunches etc seems way more palatable through that lens.

  • That is an extreme oversimplification of the issue. It would be way easier to support capitalism if the end result wasn’t continued increasing concentration of wealth with a decreasing number of people. Maybe a better phrasing for the disdain people have is that we hate American capitalism. That encompasses not just the market, but the tax system and general financial landscape Americans have currently. It’s the ability for companies to report record profits, announce layoffs, increase supply, and fight against wage increase and better benefits, all in the same breath, that creates the hatred people have right now.

  • Graduated with a criminology degree, do work with vocational rehab and have done random stints of juvenile services. I don’t have a tech background, but definitely have an interest in tech stuff, I’d say easily moreso than the average citizen.

    But like, I’ve tried to learn HTML and I couldn’t get past the first few Khan Academy lessons lol. The logic it used just didn’t jive with my brain.

  • I and another dude modded a 30k+ sub. There were 5 mods, but the other 3 are basically gone at that point, and I was brought on because I was active in the community. We both left, and within a week users are complaining about the slacking mods and wondering why spam is getting through, why discussion threads aren’t posted, etc.

    We didn’t do anything with the shutdown, as it wasn’t “our” community to shut down. We were just brought on for workload reasons. But we’re both gone now, and the cracks were showing immediately.

    Sadly, I’m fairly certain it’s literally just me in the equivalent fed community. Haven’t seen any other subs, at least.

  • It’s an alright way to see if someone is commenting on good-faith or not. Anytime I saw someone saying highly controversial things, I’d check their account to see if they were just downvote collecting or actually held the view. It’s harder to do that now; my account says I’m at like…-30 something, on a single comment that went beyond a few people’s sensibilities. I could have put an /s on it but that defeats the purpose.

    But anyone that looks at my profile now to make the “good faith” check will see me at -30, despite other contributions.

    It is dumb how people worry about the number, but it does have other uses besides just a popularity indicator.