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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023

  • I personally am on the side of keeping the Fediverse separate from the Metaverse, I’d even concider the defederation of any leaking instance just to avoid the possible connection. Hence, I already went ahead blocking the Threads domain and will do my best to keep Meta out…

    That being said, as I was reading one of the longer comments, I did contradictively think of a counter-point too… As was said, the current way of Federation only federates followed items and it has proven to be rather tedious if you want to see posts from an account from before it got Federated (my client now has a 'Load from remote instace" button that kinda solves this seemingly local (in the app), but even there it’s an extra click per profile to a second profile window just to see what I would expect to already be on the first). This is kinda annoying when scouting accounts to follow, as many will have (ex.) 2184 posts, yet after scrolling 7 it says there’s no more. On top it also makes the ability to encounter something or someone interesting to follow (unless somebody locally already follows them) kind of impossible…

    Relays are a crooked band-aid solution to this, but are instance-targetted and you’ll have to add any you encounter one by one if you’d want your instance to work like Twitter and Reddit where content can find you (and with constant access to all (or most) content), while filling instances storages exponentially. So relays are more like ducttape than a real viable long-term solution to this.

    In comes a big company instance that, if our instances would be busses and trains, has a comparable size of a planet, which technically could be exploited to relay stuff while leaving the attached media linked from their copy, and as a global index. Every account could be connected to any instance without having to store the entirety of it; any content creator could be fully seen at any point in time from any instance (if they wanted to); it would make federation a lot less intensive as it’ll just have to query the giant (if adapted for this use),…

    But is that worth giving up my privacy to them again? Is that worth bowing to them as they assume authority over me again (like the power to cut me off from, not only the Metaverse then, but even the whole Fediverse too, should they (wrongly) suspect or misjudge something someone says? (A thing that will be bound to happen eventually, cause social media is probably the easiest place to get misunderstood, misquoted, oversimplified,… and getting a bunch of predispositioned opinions against you…)) And with Meta there isn’t even anyone to explain yourself to or complain to, which makes all that even worse…

    So, my answer still remains No on direct interaction,… I’m not yet sure on my position on defederating ActivityPub instances that federate with Meta yet though… I’ll still need some research and input for that before I’ll decide for sure.

  • Well, it makes me sad that we would have to, but that doesn’t make me agree less that it would be necessary to keep a real alternative in existence.

    Every instance that allows Meta should not be considered part of the Fediverse anymore, but is now Metaverse. Mastodon/Pleroma/Lemmy/… will then just become the running software, but not by default ‘Fediverse’ anymore, that choice will become the admin’s: Fedi or Meta.

    In a perfect world we can still keep the big parties out for those that choose to, though at first it will be hard, not only to keep up with instances leaking both ways, but also hard to let go of the unrelated users that had no choice in the matter and are now presented with: change server or follow the server’s choice, and the second choice will be the least trouble for most. In other words: many followers will be lost and many currently followed won’t be reachable anymore.

  • Last time I tried this myself I could play a lot, but never the ones I wanted and ended up switching back anyway. Ever since I’ve just always been running a linux and a windows PC, each to its best use.

    I must stress however this experience of mine was over a decade ago and I have heard there’s been a lot of improvement on the subject, with steamdeck becoming a thing and alike, so I have no up-to-date experience in what runs and what doesn’t anymore. What I cán tell you however is that whichever Windows-only game did play (using Wine back then, dunno how it’s done these days) always played at least 2-5x better than on the actual Windows it was made for. 😅

    So good luck and I would love some information as to your eventual result!

  • An open-world game made by actual satellite mapping in 3D of the entire Globe, so you not only can virtually in-game visit replica’s of friends’ places across the world, but also find your own house in your own city with orientation of the direct surroundings coming naturally to you. Should be decently interactive enough not to just be a gimmick that bores easily, but some GTA-style thing maybe, that allows you to keep yourself busy virtually doing things while either being in a instinctively familiar environment, or to discover new spots and places that will actually be there irl then too, expanding your actual real-life world horizons while gaming. 😅

    Been something I wished existed ever since SecondLife started and was explained to kid me… The few times I tried SecondLife however have been nothing but disappointing, cause I obviously already expected a whole lot more from that than was even possible at the time. 😅

  • This might sound a bit shizo, but I assure you in advance: The following is only a funny comparison and I do not actually believe it to be real. I do however sometimes get amazed of the similarities to it though:

    Sometimes life feels like everybody tells me how it has worked outside of my current habitual environment ‘fog-of-war’ (like getting taught how marketing and commerce works when you don’t have to deal with money as a kid yet, or knowing how public transport to work and back works on a daily basis as you see people use it while you grow up not having to rely on it for anything yet), until I eventually either inevitably or by choice start taking part in any of those “mundane” things that have always seemed to basically have worked fine for everyone out of my view. When I do, the world around me gets this (I know the official term is different, but I’ve always called it after the Jim Carrey movie:) “Truman-Show-effect”, where it really looks like everybody suddenly has to start actually doing the story they only had on paper up until that moment (with consistency as key) and then end up failing horribly in practice. 😅

    When I turned 18 I started driving and since we’ve litterally gone from almost no real control systems to stationary traject-control nightvision camera’s and a cop sighting every 10-20 minutes driving through cities. I got my first real job at 20 and the inflation went into crisis, I eventually at 26 or so started using a train to work (that arrived in the building I worked at), and it started to constantly either be cancelled or waaay delayed and way too often only the random one I was taking even though I had fluid hours and had no real pattern in which one I took daily. Skip to more recent things: 5 years ago, I met my wife-to-be who lives far away from my country and had planned to spend half the years to come there and half the years in my homecountry for work, while getting her everything to legally be able to join me, then covid happened and long-distance flights got disallowed while my job screwed me over and ended up making me spend savings to just survive, leaving me in a (still currently going on) financial distress preventing me to even be able to go to her now. It all seems to fall apart when I actually observe or take part in it. I might need to rename myself to Shrödinger soon if this goes on… 😂

    Anyway, sorry for the long digress, just had to get this out there. And once again: I know I am not in a TV-show. I have a very active imagination, but I’m still not crazy (or narcissistic 😅) enough to think that to be even possible… 😬😂