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Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • As someone with not a ton of exposure to this topic, it’s heartbreaking to hear about the environment that these people grow up in, and how life they are robbed of by an institution of fear and control. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to break free of the cycle when everything and everyone you’ve ever known is working against you do hard. I’m glad that their children are thriving in school and showing them that all that effort and grief was for a reason.

    1. Oh absolutely I do. It’s just lurking there threatening the environment we all live in while we fight amongst ourselves about other stuff, constantly getting more and more alarming. Great.

    2. After the entire state of CA introduced “catching on fire non-stop” as one of it’s seasons, I’ve mostly been focusing on my transportation patterns. I’ve become pretty anti-car and pro-transit, and I’ve decided against driving a car for any trips shorter than 5 miles, which accounts for over half of car trips in the US. We still have my girlfriend’s car that we use for longer trips outside of the citys transit network, but we’re living very car lite now.

    3. We recently relocated to a city, mostly for walkability, but the climate here is a little cooler too which is a nice change from the triple digit summers we were getting in the suburbs too!

    4. I think we can but dread that we won’t. I’m not super well versed but we keep blowing past the warning signs and the climate change we’re feeling now. Even if we were able to cut our emissions to 30% of what they are now, we’re still projected to exceed the 1.5C limit, and even that would be an incredible, even unbelievable win.

    5. From what I’ve seen (not a lot!!), carbon recapture seems pretty inefficient and uses a lot of energy that could be leveraged elsewhere. Is it a waste of time? Not sure. It would depend on what the costs of R&D are to get it to something that actually scales, but in it’s current iteration it’s useless imo.

    6. Honestly? I don’t know what to make of them. Seems fair, but also sounds extremely unlikely to actually happen, and probably something that should be sorted out after we actually have better solutions in place for slowing/stopping climate change.