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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • TLDR but I think I get the gist.

    I know that lemmy devs are commies, doesn’t bother me. The idea that some technologies can or should be used only by some political factions is just dumb. I left reddit after the api changes because I’m not installing proprietary spyware on my phone. I also like the idea of a decentralized, community run social platform, ideally nostr based because I like the way nostr federation works better than the fediverse, where the user can choose which relays to connect to instead of their instance making that decision for them, but until there is a viable alternative with a larger community I’m here.

  • What argument? Most of the article says “Everyone who disagrees with me is a far right gender fascist and also for some reason racist and I’m right because science (I didn’t care to link to) says so, trust me bro.”

    The only half viable arguments provided (and I’m really reaching here) can be easily debunked.

    She was assigned female at birth.

    Sex is assigned at birth based on external characteristics aka primary reproductive organs, you can’t tell someone has internal testes, xy chromosomes or abnormally high testosterone levels just by looking at them.

    She is eligible according to the Olympic rules.

    The Olympic rules that were changed recently by removing the requirements for testosterone level within a certain range, the same reason why she was deemed illegible to compete by International Boxing Association just a year earlier, who is way more qualified to set fair and safe boxing rules then the International Olympic Committee by their own admission (PDF warning). Clearly we can’t say that it’s 100% fair and safe for her opponents.

    She has lost before

    I’m a guy and I’m 99% sure I would loose to a pro female boxer in the same weight class, because I have 0 training or experience, but I’m also 99% sure I would do way better than a girl with 0 training or experience. Loosing doesn’t mean you don’t have an unfair advantage.

    Even using the lefts’ own logic, if sex is a spectrum and she as someone who’s intersex is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, isn’t it unfair and unsafe for either her or her rivals to fight each other when they’re so far apart on the thing that’s so detrimental to defining ones’ physical capabilities?

  • I don’t think you know what a ponzi scheme is. A ponzi scheme is a situation where a business pays it’s previous investors with the money from it’s new investors… In a fairly launched crypto currency there is no business or other central entity distributing the coins so there is nothing to invest in and no one to pay you back. The only think you can “invest” in is the network itself and the only thing you can “invest” is the work of your computer to secure the network for which you will be rewarded with some coins. Every other good store of value in the world works the same. In order to obtain gold or silver you have to pointlessly dig in the ground searching for some useless metal whose only worth comes from it’s scarcity and being difficult to obtain. In that sense if crypto currencies are a ponzi scheme then so are silver, gold, diamonds, €/$/£ (paper or digital), stocks and everything else whose value doesn’t come from it’s intrinsic qualities.

    If you don’t want to dig in the ground/use your computers work you can pay someone else to do it or just buy the metal/coin from them if they already acquired it. But if it’s so useless why would anyone spend their time, effort or intrinsically valuable things (like food, fuel, tools etc.) to acquire it? Because while it’s basic qualities don’t make it a good source of energy, food, heat, light, shelter, security, comfort, entertainment… non of the things we as humans value, they do make it an ideal candidate for a store of value a unit of account and a medium of exchange. That’s why people valued this metals for millennia and continue to do so. They don’t have value on their own, but in the context of the societal system we live in their intrinsic qualities make them invaluable. The value of gold, cash etc. came from it’s place in that system, crypto currencies are in many aspects an improvement on those intrinsic qualities that make gold and cash valuable so it’s only natural that they will replace the aforementioned in many areas of life.

  • A gui app that lets you:

    • symmetrically encrypt and decrypt text and files with AES-256 and without any weird formating that would make it incompatible with openssl.
    • generate (without writing to file) RSA-(2048-4096) keys and asymmetrically encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify text and files.

    It should be simple without any advanced options or storing any data or credentials or saving anything without asking the user. For example;

    For symmetric text:

    • 3 text boxes, 1 for input, 1 for output, 1 for password, encrypt/decrypt radio, 1 button.

    For symmetric file:

    • file picker, 1 password text box, encrypt/decrypt radio, 1 button

    For asymmetric generation:

    • 2 text boxes, 1 for priv key, 1 for pub key, 1 button.

    For asymmetric text:

    • 3 text boxes, 1 for input, 1 for output, 1 for priv/pub key, encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify radio, 1 button

    For asymmetric file:

    • file picker, 1 priv/pub key text box, encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify radio, 1 button

  • Is there any benefit to it over nostr though? You’d have to link your public key to your account(s) and store a backup of your private key in addition to your regular login/password just to get a more fragmented and less seamless version of nostr. A lot of people already have issues figuring out how fediverse works with multiple instances and all… now they’d have multiple accounts with different credentials to keep track of on top of a meta login/password (pub/priv key). With nostr you only have 1 login/password (pub/priv key) to everything, it’s just long and you can’t change it. At least I think that’s how it works, I don’t really use twitter/nostr/mastodon type of sites.

  • That’s just not true. Monero, litecoin, bch… transactions cost less than a penny. No one uses bitcoin for illegal things anymore (it’s tracable and forever on the blockchain, people use monero instead) but if they were wouldn’t that mean bitcoin is useful for exchanging goods?

    I use crypto for a bunch of legitimate things like paying for my VPN, phone bill, donating to foss projects etc.

    I use it because it’s more private, faster and more convenient for me. I can always have it with me, use it from any place, any time, for anything I want with no hidden fees and no one can seize, freeze, track or control my money. If you think that thoes things are valueable only to criminals you must have lived under some 1st world rock for a while.

  • I use crypto to privately pay for my VPN, phone bill, to donate to foss projects. I sold some digital items online for crypto. I use it because it’s faster, more private (if done correctly) and convenient than using a credit card or bank transfer. No one can seize, freeze, or control my crypto. I can donate, pay or get paid on my own terms with no middle man. If visa, mastercard, banks or fintech companies generate value then so does crypto.