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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I am always amazed by how the japanese are often times very willing to experiment and be inventive in terms of melding their own culinary culture with foreign ones, considering the isolationist and conservative history and reputation they have overall as a people.

    To me, that simply says that food really is one of the universal languages.

    I’d love to try this dish if just for experimentation, although I suspect it wouldn’t be something I’d have more than once lol

  • Yeah, no judgement here, when one is poor they gotta do what they gotta do, and ketchup is probably cheaper than decent tomato sauce in some parts of the world I would imagine.

    That said, I am willing to bet that the same pasta but with actual prepared tomato sauce (that means put it on the stove, let it simmer, add some salt, maybe a bit of pepper or a pinch of chili flakes if you like, and a drop of EVO oil when it comes off the heat) in place of ketchup would be even better.

    Although in your case, the ketchup recipe likely brings back happy emotions relating to your childhood which, after all, are also part of the food experience. Cheers!

  • ugo@feddit.ittoLinux@lemmy.mlGoldilocks distro?
    9 days ago

    +1. Arch is super easy to install, just open the install guide on the wiki and do what it says.

    It’s also really stable nowadays, I can’t actually remember the last time something broke.

    As a counterpoint, on ubuntu I constantly had weird issues where the system would change something apparently on its own. Like the key repeat resetting every so often (I mean multiple times an hour), weirdness with graphic drivers, and so on.

    That said, I also appreciate debian for server usage. Getting security updates only can be desirable for something that should be little more than an appliance. Doing a dist upgrade scares the shit out of me though, while on arch that’s not even close to a concern.

  • So are you saying that me pushing a pregnant woman down the stairs is the same as doing so to a non pregnant woman?

    Imo, no. Pushing a woman is assault, pushing a pregnant woman is assault and something else (another post suggested something akin to manslaughter, which I think fits if the assault causes a miscarriage)

    the pro-life response is simply that the unborn child doesn’t get a say in the matter.

    Correct. An unborn child doesn’t get a say in whether they are aborted or born. They have no opinions, they have no wants. The unborn child cannot consent to being aborted but they cannot consent to being born either. The only valid opinion and choice is that of the mother, because it’s the mother’s life that is very physically (and eventually also mentally, socially, etc) affected by the pregnancy.

    Which is also why I said that pushing a pregnant woman should have harsher penalties than just assault: it also endangers or destroys something whose state of being only the woman should be in charge of.

    It’s like if I pickpocket your wallet that’s stealing, but if I steal the wallet from your house that’s also breaking and entering.

  • As an italian my strong belief is that your wife should put whatever she wants on pizza. Hell it’s a flatbread with condiments, go crazy. It’s meant for it. If you want a none pizza with left meat, you should have a none pizza with left meat.

    Now if you put ketchup on pasta, I will judge your culinary literacy. Ketchup makes for a terrible pasta sauce

  • What “it” is configurable? If the code is indented with 4 spaces, it is indented with 4 spaces. You can configure your editor to indent with 1 space if you want, but then your code is not going to respect the 4 spaces of indentation used by the rest of the code.

    I repeat, the only accessible indentation option is using tabs. This is not an opinion because every other option forces extra painful steps for those with vision issues (including, but not limited to, having to reformat the source files to tabs so they can work on them and then reformat them back to using spaces in order to commit them)

  • ugo@feddit.ittoProgramming@programming.devWhy YAML sucks?
    13 days ago

    Hard tabs are the only accessible option though. If you care about developers with a different vision capability than yours, the only correct indentation choice is tabs.

    If, because of bad vision, someone needs to crank the font size way up, it’s very possible that they might need to work with a tabstop of 3, 2, or even just 1 space.

    With tabs, this is user configurable. With spaces it isn’t.

  • We use null objects at work, and as another person said they are a safety feature. Here’s how they work: they are wrappers around another type. They provide the same interface as the wrapped type. They store one global instance of the wrapped type, default initialized, in a memory page marked read-only.

    Here’s why they are considered a safety feature (note: most of this is specific to c++).

    Suppose you have a collection, and you want to write a function that finds an item in the collection. Find can fail, of course. What do you return in that case? Reasonable options would be a null pointer, or std::nullopt. Having find return a std::optional would be perfect, because that’s the exact use case for it. You either found the item or you did not.

    Now, the problem is that in most cases you don’t want to copy the item that was found in the collection when you return it, so you want to return a pointer or a reference. Well, std::optional<T&> is illegal. After all, an optional reference has the same semantics as a pointer, no? This means your find function cannot return an optional, it has to return a pointer with the special sentinel value of nullptr meaning “not found”.

    But returning nullptr is dangerous, because if you forget to check the return value and you accidentally dereference it you invoke undefined behavior which in this case will usually crash the program.

    Here’s where the null object comes in. You make find just return a reference. If the item is not found, you return a reference to the null object of the relevant type. Because the null object always exists, it’s not UB to access it. And because it is default initialized, trying to get a value from it will just give you the default value for that data member.

    Basically it’s a pattern to avoid crashing if tou forget to check for nullptr

  • Looks to me like the ruling is saying that the output of a model trained on copyrighted data is not copyrighted in itself.

    By that logic, if I train a model on marvel movies and get something that is exactly the same as an existing movie, that output is not copyrighted.

    It’s a stretch, for sure, and the judge did say that he didn’t consider the output to be similar enough to the source copyrighted material, but it’s unclear what “close enough” is.

    What if my model is trained on star wars and outputs a story that is novel, with different characters with different voices. That’s not copyrighted then, despite the model being trained exclusively on copyrighted data?

  • I think it’s possible that the filesystem ran out of inodes, so even though there is space on disk, there is no space in the filesystem metadata to store new files.

    Now, I don’t know off the top of my head how to check this, but I assume the answer is on the internet somewhere (am on phone and can’t help much more than this, sorry)

  • if you’re using windows and expect any privacy at all […] throw that notion out the window

    Correct. And the same is true even if you are using linux, macOS, android, or a butterfly to manipulate bits to send a message through the internet.

    Because if your message ends up on the screen of a windows user, it’s also going to be eaten by AI.

    And forget the notion of “anything you post on the internet is forever”, this is also true for private and encrypted comms now. At least as long as they can be decrypted by your recipient, if they use windows.

    You want privacy and use linux? Well, that’s no longer enough. You now also need to make sure that none of your communications include a (current or future) windows user as they get spyware by default in their system.

    Well maybe not quite by default, yet

  • Reread the OP. They say:

    not on GNOME, because you have a panel at the top


    when usign GTK apps on those [non-GNOME] desktops

    So you would not “access the controls above the app”, because having controls above the app is not covered by this scenario.

    The scenario is:

    1. You don’t have a top panel
    2. You have a maximized GTK app

    Which makes the close button be in the corner of the screen, but without actually extending to it.

    On topic: never knew this was a problem, guess I got spoiled by the Qt environment