Before the whole Reddit migration I was passively aware of the Fediverse, I thought I somewhat grasped the concept, and had created a Mastodon account, but never really used it.
But once the migration started, I decided to try out Kbin, and really liked it, and even started to use Mastodon more often.

    1 year ago

    I’ve had a mastodon account for a few years but I’m not super active on it, since I’m not a huge fan of microblogging. I learned about lemmy from the reddit alternatives sub, but never gave it much thought. I didn’t realize it was part of the fediverse, and didn’t really commit to making an account due to the lack of content at the time.

    I learned about Kbin during all the recent reddit drama, and decided to give that a try. Now that I’ve been here for a while and understand federation, I’m really loving it. I’m really excited to see where this goes as the platforms and federation concept starts to mature and gain traction