Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @Sir_ListerOfSmeg@aussie.zone
    2411 months ago

    Met my future dog yesterday.

    Long story, but the owner has breast cancer and needed to find a forever home for a staffy (my dream dog).

    Spent about 2 hours with him yesterday making sure he’d be happy with me as his human. He’s very shy but we both fell in love.

    Meet Adam the new love of my life 😍

  • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
    2111 months ago

    Eeeeee!!! I accidentally found the cat’s cuddle spot!!! 😻😻😻 it’s much closer to the TV than I would normally sit but I decided to sit there while petting her and she CRAWLED ONTO MY LAP. I nearly died. I didn’t have my phone but when she got up for a bit I grabbed it and sat back down and here she is purring up an absolute storm. She hasn’t cuddled at all the whole 2.5 weeks I’ve been here - I’ll sit here all day long to feel her purring contentedly against me1. Oh please kitty cat don’t let this be a one time thing. We can chill any time. Any time at all. <3


    sleeping striped tabby curled up with her head resting on a navy blanket draped over a pair of human legs

      • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
        411 months ago

        Teddy is adrift without the baby boy that usually lives in this house… (who probably just drools all over him at this stage tbh)

    • Bacon
      511 months ago

      kitty head on leg is THE best feeling.

    • PeelerSheila
      311 months ago

      Aww so satisfying when they do this! The elation of being chosen! And a beautiful kitty 😍

      • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
        511 months ago

        Cats are so good at making feel like a piece of useless garbage but they also make you feel so special and divine when they choose to lavish their love upon you. No, I am not a battered cat slave, don’t send help…

    • @A1kmmA
      311 months ago

      Well fingers crossed if kitteh liked it she’ll want it again!

      • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
        211 months ago

        She’s not at that stage yet. She prefers to stay mostly adjacent. I went to go feed her (I’m guessing this cuddliness was all a ruse…!) and now she’s back to ignoring me from the other side of the house. But if I can be cat trapped by her before I head back home that would be an accomplishment indeed.

      • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
        511 months ago

        Hey just so you know, the image description for vision impaired users was actually already in the alt text of the photo in that comment (which you put in the square brackets when you use markup). That’s how image descriptions are meant to work. If you hover over the photo on desktop or long press to open the image in another tab on a mobile browser you’ll see the description.

        Just fyi about accessible tech if you’re going to keep wanting to label peoples photos.

        • @Goddess_Amaterasu@aussie.zone
          211 months ago

          Ok well I use the safari version of Aussie.zone on my phone only, to me it just looks like it’s just the photo of your cat with nothing else. I tried long pressing and it didn’t do anything. Whatever the case, I must be the only person who didn’t realise this and apologise for adding the ID and I promise never to add an ID to any future image from anyone :) thanks for letting me know

          • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
            211 months ago

            Ok so I looked into this and amazingly enough the only way it seems that you can access the alt text on Safari iPhone is to actually turn on VoiceOver in Settings>Accessibility - which most vision impaired users (those would need alt text at least) would use anyway in order to navigate the OS, but sucks if you’re testing. When VoiceOver is activated, and my comment is read out (you can try it by selecting it with the image in Safari), VoiceOver does indeed read the alt text.

            You won’t have the same issue with Chrome on iPhone, you can long press and see the alt text.

  • @halibutherring@aussie.zone
    1611 months ago

    I trusted you, Goddess. I could have hung up my laundry indoors last night, but I remembered your comment saying today was going to be 18 degrees. So I waited and hung out my stuff on the line this mroning and it dried perfectly throughout the day. So - thanks! I’m glad I held off instead of having clothes cram up my house. Cheers!

  • @Baku@aussie.zone
    1511 months ago

    Tomorrow marks a week since I moved into the new place. I’m feeling so much better, and feel like I’m in a much more healthy place mentally than I was in the last place. And honestly, a lot of it is just the little things, like being home alone, and having access to knives, and administering my own medication

  • Rusty Raven M
    1111 months ago

    I’ve been invited to fill in a survey on my experiences as a student. The email says I am from a “unique group of students”. I think this might be a polite way of saying “you’re really old for a student”.

    • @Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      1011 months ago

      I am amused by the phrase ‘unique group’. If unique, then by definition not a group. If they meant ‘small group’ why didn’t they say so. Fancy word syndrome strikes again.
      I have a Melb Uni tshirt with ‘minimise sesquipedalian circumlocutions’ written across the front. I cherish it.

      • PeelerSheila
        311 months ago

        ‘minimise sesquipedalian circumlocutions’

        I want one. A quick google search revealed that I can buy many tshirts with just the word sesquipedalian on it in a variety of fonts but not that tshirt :( can you still get them or no?

      • Rusty Raven M
        511 months ago

        I do not have a daughter. Have I discovered the secret to eternal youth?! One weird trick doctors don’t want you to know…

  • @heyheyitskay@aussie.zone
    1111 months ago

    Ending the week on a positive note. I wasn’t expecting it but I feel like I’ve finally made progress this week. Still lots on the list to do and learn but it’s nice to feel that I’m getting somewhere. 💪

  • Rusty Raven M
    1111 months ago

    Ok, lunch is packed. Camera battery charged. I’m ready to head off for the day. Be good while I’m away, and keep your finger’s crossed that the rain holds off long enough this afternoon that I don’t come home a soggy Raven.

  • Bacon
    11 months ago

    Temperature: 18
    Sun: Shining
    Winds: Howling
    Feels like: 10

    What do I wear

  • @MisssDarylC@aussie.zone
    1011 months ago

    Went to the doctor this morning, turns out the dizziness which increased immensely today is due to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Eg I get dizzy from looking up and down and I have crystals in my ear canal. So I’ve got to shake my head 10 times, 10 a day to fix it. Lol.

    On another note, I’ve never seen this doctor before and they asked in Straight or gay?? I answered without thinking and it wasn’t until I left that I questioned the necessity of that question. Lol.