first of all, i don’t identify as latino, sorry!!! but anyway when i talk about mexico being treated the same way as canada, i mean, for example when it comes to prices, canada and usa have both of their dollars on the back of stuff, like if you bought a book in canada in the back it would say “10 usd/10 cad”, but no mexican currency? isn’t mexico also the neighbor and both nations have good ties?? it should be treated with the same level of important stuff

  • HobbitFoot
    2 months ago

    Part of it is cultural while another part is economic.

    Culturally, Canada was part of the British Empire well into the 20th century. This meant that having relations with Canada was having relations with the British Empire. Outside of the War of 1812, the British Empire typically negotiated with the USA with respect that the USA could project at least the same kind of land power in the Americas as the British Empire could.

    Culturally, Mexico was a successor nation to the Spanish Empire. Mexico didn’t have the level of protection that Canada did nor did it have similar government institutions as the USA had. There was also a difference in approach to colonization between the two nations; the USA engaged in settler colonialism using white Europeans while Mexico had a large indigenous population incorporated into Mexican society.

    Economically, Canada has a per capita national wealth on par with the USA while Mexico has lagged behind. This has led to a lot of migration from Mexico to the USA and Mexico being used as a low cost labor source.