I’ve used a towel style bath mat for decades, I think it’s the most hygenic. It goes on the floor to shower, then gets hung to dry between showers.
I lay floors and hadn’t seen a “permanent” bath mat in years but ran into one today. It was that typical shag rug style, bright pink. This was a clean house but it was strange to me, I didn’t think anyone used those anymore.
My partner bought a diatomaceous earth bathmat to replace the rug in front of the shower. It’s like stepping onto a piece of cardboard, so zero points for luxury. It does catch and re-evaporate the water well, so full marks there. Humidity is naturally low here, so no I have little to no worries about mold.
Huh, weird. DE? I’ve used it to filter beer at a small brewery and I use it as a natural insecticide.
In case anyone was wondering, as a powder, it dries the fuck out of insects who cross it
Yeah; we’ve got one too - primarily for when you first get out of the shower. It’s really good for drying the soles of your feet, so you don’t slip on tile - and the water evaporates very quickly.
NY Mag article review
I love our DE mat. We had an issue with one of our cats peeing on the cotton mats while they were damp, which is why we switched, but i personally find it oddly luxurious. Clearly not soft and cushy tho.
This ^ I’ll have to give DE a try now
I have one if those and love it! It’s never wet and the cat doesn’t pee on it.
Never knew this was a thing. My wife has now ordered one 😆