“The Greens have said they will wipe $81 billion in student debt — but how will they pay for it?”
Well, how about a single mining company paying even a teeny bit of tax?
Imagine that!
“The Greens have said they will wipe $81 billion in student debt — but how will they pay for it?”
Well, how about a single mining company paying even a teeny bit of tax?
Imagine that!
Well, Trump did get elected. Do you’re probably correct.
Exactly what we did. Demonised the filth, before the infection could spread.
That’s enough internet for me for today. Sick fuck. At least put a NSFL warning next time.
Agree. 40 was easy. Upcoming 50 is the real deal. 40 I was actually still good looking, fit, etc. 50, the aging is real. Introspection, reflecting, etc all been going on for some time.
Most things I ask it give me back a fever dream. You’re over thinking the current state of the tech. Give it another election cycle.
Richmond is pretty good. I think Abbotsford might be better. Loving my time in Melbs
And 72 people worked on it. For free.
Why not join in, and help out?
Older. However, WYSIWYG was everything back in the day.
Haven’t they added telemetry and all that? Shame if so.
I like k9. Let’s see if this improves it, or not.
10% off isn’t bad for a casual onlooker at their community. That’s 90% accurate.
Apart from a couple of countries, the percentages are small. The graph is distorted as it’s not showing the full 100%
Looks like most people, in most countries, are pretty close to accurate.
A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy.
Albert Einstein
Switch. You know you want to. Give in to your desires. Feel the freedom flow. Enlighten your soul. Join us… JOIN UUUSSSSS
But, the person who died is buckled in. That’s how I read it.
I read your first sentence and after reading it I thought to myself this person sounds like they are wealthy.
Then read your second sentence which indicates you are wealthy.
I suspect that with children you would be happy also, if you are wealthy. Money really does make a difference.
But who can say?
Anyway, it sounds like things are good for you, so that’s great.
Oh, they are definitely getting the very best that public office has to offer.
Sounds perfectly sensible.
I’ve always played as her. She was hawt. Turns out I must be gay. Who’d have known.
I’ve been considering this for a while. Nice to see it happening.
But, it needs to be categorised.
License plates. Facial recognition. Private. Government. Etc