If you wonder why the police kicked a door in guns blazing for a $200 yard tool st 11:50 PM, it’s because the tool belonged to a judge. Also, they were outside their jurisdiction, and there’s no evidence they actually had a warrant.
So just uh…
Gang violence seems to be out of control in Kentucky.
And they already had the suspect in custody.
11:50PM on December 23rd
This is pretty insane. They have the guy in custody that sold them the address he stored the stollen goods at. The city police go to the wrong address, outside their jurisdiction, at 11:50PM. They didn’t even inform the local county police whose jurisdiction this would be in. The address was repeated multiple times by the dispatcher and should have been on the warrant.
Multiple officers are joined on the search with gun drawn ARs. After knocking on a door and a brief wait, when most people would be sleeping, they kick the door down and are “surprised” the person in the home responds with grabbing thier weapon and shoot him dead.
Then, an FOI act is requested for the warrant non are found. All of this is none over a weed eater that is pretty useless in the winter and run on average $150-$250 for most models.
This is a major mess up and all officers involved should be jailed
Outside their jurisdiction? Isn’t that just straight up murder since they had no legal right to enforce any lass there?
I am not a lawyer. The article mentions this should have involved the county police being notified and/or present during the raid, but this did not occur, according to the article.
Right, which makes it illegal. I sure hope that means thay don’t get qualified immunity…
Was it a mess up? Seems like a very convenient “accident.”
A lot of these people, judges police etc, are all part of the same social clubs. Piss off one bee and rest come after you.
I don’t believe anyone, even the average “I can’t believe I barely got my high school diploma” police officer, is that stupid.
No, there was some reason they wanted this person dead. It’s just that no one has found it yet.
How many more of these before we start to see some justice? Everyone knows what needs to happen.
Edit: Got a 3 day ban from lemmy.world admins for “advocating violence.” LMAO. Funniest part is, I never advocated violence. How do you know I didn’t mean “everyone knows the cops need more donuts?” Purely in their own imagination, they decided that I must mean something violent. What a sad existence these “admins” must have.
Now watch them reban me in retalliation for calling out their idiocy. That’s ok, there are other instances.
Based on the video, it was probably one single cop who fired all the shots. His or her name should be plastered all over the headlines as a murderer who hasn’t been arrested despite video evidence of the slaying.
Don’t downplay thee rest of them that were outside of their jurisdiction doing a midnight raid for a weed eater when the suspect was already in custody.
Every person involved is guilty as hell, and that judge should face charges.
They all committed murder that night.
Sounds an awful lot like gang violence.
it was. the cops are a street gang. and frankly, they’re far more dangerous to have around than most street gangs
Why read address right when gun go BANG BANG and me get money vacation?- Kentucky police men.
No need for the sexist gatekeeping. Women can be shitty cops/people too
Since police in the US aren’t responsible enough to carry guns, they shouldn’t have them. Take guns away from cops so they have a harder time murdering innocents.
I hope they are all convicted of murder.
If the police enter your home, even if they have a warrant, and you shoot them. How can the police ever claim that it wasn’t self defense, especially in areas where these things happen?
They generally are not able to because of the castle doctrine. However, that implies someone shot a cop and survived the rest of the encounter, and the cops respect the laws and do not throw you in jail anyways.
Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker shot a cop and survived. They threw him in jail, but ultimately the charges against him were dismissed and the city of Louisville settled with him for $2 million.
This is very much the exception and not the rule.
I mean if they can kill your pets in your home, they sure can kill you
What is Biden doing about all this
What about this situation makes you think Biden can do something about it right now?
I mean, this is hardly a new situation. This is not the first person murdered in their own home by police.
Frankly, we should have seen something done, at the very least, after the BLM protests back in 2020, if not sooner.
Thank your elected representatives who think diversity and inclusion are racist against white people. They want a militarized police force to deal with uppity poors and minorities.
Yes. And Biden has been complicit with that.
He’s not the only one, of course, and he’s far from the worst. But he should have done something long ago and, honestly, I feel like the fact that he didn’t is one of the reasons voter enthusiasm for both him and Harris was so low.
And that is why gun rights are human rights. Also intrusion detection sensor rights and automatic turret rights. Automatic flamethrower turret rights, for the smell of burnt flesh to indicate consummation of civil freedoms.