See the post on BlueSky:
According to many comments, the US government DOES use SQL, and Musk is not understanding much what’s going on.
It’s going to be so expensive to fix all the damage this government is doing when America next has sensible government
So many skills lost, so many systems broken
I remember seeing this after he bought Twitter
Storms I hope that’s true.
I kind of doubt it. It’s been known that he’s a fraud of a coder for a while, that seems like a clear riff.
Enough that I was really disappointed when Some More News talked about Zip2 like he was the sole founder and therefore must have been good at coding at some point.
Btw, the guy he and his brother founded the company with died at 51.
As a megarich techie… With the dirt on Elon’s real capabilities.
IIRC they kicked him out of PayPal because he wanted to run everything on windows instead of the Unix/Linux servers they were running on. And the reason for it was because he couldn’t figure out Linux.
He is a fraud gamer. He is almost definitely a fraud coder.
He got community-noted for being wrong. Per usual, it’s only a matter of time before he deletes his post.
Someone needs to explain to Musk how to debug with the JSON so that the ipv6 GUI does not overflow into the git API front-end
Calling someone a retard for believing something that’s obviously true is straight out of the flat-Earther playbook.
The more this dipshit talks about programming the more I’m convinced that he’s got absolutely no clue how any of it works. Like, he’s famous for creating PayPal, I’m really wondering if he paid someone to code that shit and just took credit (and all the money from its sale).
Sure as hell did when I worked there
if this troglodyte says it doesn’t you can be sure that it does.
That sounds surprising modern. That’s good! Or at least I would think it is good. So many things run on mainframes still.
Tax dollars are definitely being stolen… by this unelected buffoon
Everything Elon has ever said could be a top post in r/iamverysmart or r/confidentlyincorrect
He sure is loose with that r-word…
This retard thinks the government doesn’t use SQL…
He did the exact same thing after taking over Twitter, talking about “poorly batched RPCs” in the timeline which makes zero sense because that’s obviously not how HTTP works.
The sad thing is Elon regularly shows how much of a very judgmental, “I’m so smart” idiot* he is, but somehow I keep meeting people who think he’s a genius. I guess the assumption that money=smart still holds true in the US, despite being disproven time and time again.
*Do we not have a single word for this concept? I come across this kind of person so frequently there really should be one.
It’s hard to figure out what he’s talking about , when he says the “whole social security database”. Like in which tables are they duplicated? Does it mean the entire row is duplicated or just the SSN, it might make sense to be duplicated depending on the schema. Is it an append only db, so there might be updated columns on the same ssn and you need to filter by the latest update timestamp? Who knows.
But also, saying that there’s a “social security database” and then following that up by the govt “doesn’t use SQL” so… the db is actually just a spreadsheet? A .txt file? The SSNs are just written down in someone’s notebook? Lol
If SSN based fraud is the program then let’s establish an actual federal identification number. Even the Social Services bureau tried to get everyone to not use it as the end all source of truth. They only created it for social security benefits, literally only that purpose.
Whenever Elon speaks of programming, he just spouts the most delusional Point-Haired Boss bullshit imaginable. Truly, he has been promoted to the level of his incompetence.
(It is also highly ironic considering the Dilbert creator’s politics.)